I'd like to present some of my English pieces that we had write. One of them is a poem and the other is a satirical writing about Americans.
And not to offend anybody, I've written it that way because in satire we are supposed to push the boundaries, as we have learned it. As I've read it to other people in my age or my teacher and
they found it funny.
Here's a link to a podcast that we worked with in our English class to understand 'satire' and 'why we laugh' a little better.
It is very interesting.
A girl to the people who care
Well, people, I'll tell you:
Life is not always like "living on a horse ranch",
There are rocks in the way
Heavy and dark
And you might not find a way to lift it up,
And get it off your path.
But don't you worry, don't you fear,
There will always be something,
That makes you believe that life is a gift;
A sign or a word.
It doesn't really have to be more
Than just a smile or a laughter in your ears.
Who wants to, knows me
Always trying to enjoy every moment
On this wonderful blue and green:
Communicating in different ways,
Enjoying shows and family,
Just the little things can make life worth living.
Life is a journey that has to be taken,
But the decision is yours,
Whether you try or rather run away.
So, take a risk here and there
Because life's not worth living without a dare.
Americans up-to-date
It really is normal to be that way! How could it be any different? I mean your country is so big, of course you can't know any other things.
See, we don't even have doorknobs but handles instead. Even the toilets are different in other countries, isn't that weird?!
Lately somebody asked me if we had iPhones where we live. I told him very seriously "No, because it really takes forever to get those technology things shipped across the big blue pond. What is a
big bummer is that we are missing out on television. I've never seen a movie before I came to this country."
Of course this is not the only question I've been asked. And Germany is known for keeping its traditions. We all know that, right?
Last lunch, a friend of mine asked me if I had a rough childhood. Oh, I told him that it was awful. My dad had hit me with his belt all the time and I had gotten hundreds of bruises from that
But the worst part was when my grandmother came at me. She was always yelling at me and hit my fingers with her cane if they weren't clean enough.
Speaking of food here, I got to experience something very unique; school lunches. I have never had the opportunity to discover such a variety of different types of food that all tastes the same!
The delicate, nutritious and super healthy prepared fruits that you call French fries, combined with these unbelievably good source of pure breaded protein so called Chicken nuggets; a
Also not just the regular food tastes extraordinary but the candy does as well. I personally never had better candy in my entire life! The taste and consistency of sugary paper couldn't be any
better! You really don't want to get it out of your mouth, to be honest. The practical thing is that this is not hard to achieve because it really sticks to your teeth!
And of course, the list continues. One more person asked me how my view on the Holocaust was and if Hitler was still ruling our country. With a serious look I said: "It's terrible! Hitler got
totally insane and out of control. I was okay with him killing all the other people but now he is going after the 'normal' Germans as well. That's why I fled out of Germany."
Being this up-to-date is totally understandable. I mean seriously how could you know any different? That wouldn't make any sense to me. But if you want to change this, you could come and see
Hitler yourself.
Kommentar schreiben
Caro (Mittwoch, 09 März 2016 20:13)
Hallo meine liebe Felicitas,
ich finde deine Arbeiten sehr toll und lobenswert!
Das Gedicht gefällt mir sehr, die Ansichten auf das Leben und das man einfach genießen sollte. Wirklich super!!
Ganz liebe Grüße :*
Chicken Nuggets (Donnerstag, 19 Januar 2017 12:23)
We prepare homemade tasty, crispy, soft chicken nuggets. Please do check out the link for homemade chicken popcorn recipe