My Halloween here began actually pretty non-halloween-ish. Judy's daughter Susan finally moved into their new house so I helped them. Our garage was stuffed with many things from their old house
that we had to put in the moving truck. So many boxes. I found it really funny that especially Judy underestimated my strength. She was pretty astonished.
After one hour we drove to their new house and we have unloaded everthing again. It was a pretty nice workout and actually pretty fun these people (John&Susan+Johnathan, Bill&Heidi+Ben+Adam, Judy&Jaquie and a hired college student). And the house is beautiful, HUGE and offers a heck of lot of luxury.
Once all their belongings have been carried in the house, some of their new neighbors came and brought lunch for them.
Josh wasn't there the whole day because he went to the semi-state marching band contest at Ben Davis High School in Indy. Susan, Judy and me went there to see him march. They had a pretty good
program called "The Butterfly Effect". It was fairly impressive but they had some serious competition. Unfortunately, the Fisher's Tigers didn't make it to state but still, it's pretty impressive
that they made it this far!
That was another marching band. The girl in the front is a good friend of mine. She is German as well and I got to know her through my program. Carolin is very nice!
As soon as Judy and me got back home, she went to bed because she was very tired. But David (Dad of my secondary host family) picked me up and I joined their community-halloween-bonfire. There
was a chili-cookout and there were all kinds of snacks and beverages provided for everyone. I wanted to bite in some of the little kids' cheeks because they were so stinkin'-cute in their tiny
costumes, walking around trick-or-treating!
I can understand now why everybody in ponyville gets so excited about apple cider; it tastes freaking amazing! It's the best, when it's heated up ("Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake
in my eye!";))!
I was bobbing for apples "for the first time in forever". That was an experience, cold but fun! ^^ (Some of you might have seen the video already.)
The actual Halloween night for me was on Friday night. We drove to the Indy Scream Park ...
... with haunted houses and scary mazes.
I wasn't really sure what to expect but I was pretty sure, I would pee my pants ... but I didn't! :P
Right before we got in;
Cathy and her room mate MacKayla, Alex, Isa(bella) and moi.
Isa and me got introduced to each other by Cathy, we got along well pretty soon.
That was the second haunted house; about 3-D art and scary clowns. Worst night mare of so many people (especially MacKayla)-- ughaaaaa!
Cutest couple in all town, haha! ^.^
He was a pretty cool guy!!! We joked around a lot.
He was a pretty neat as well. Good costume, am I right? ;)
Better! Almost even, haha! XD
(Me, Alex, Isa)
Funny what it looks like, when he kneels down, huh? ^^
Cathy and one of these guys that run around and try to scare people in that open area.
She made the whole thing possible!
Thank you Kat!
... after all that we swung by Jaquie's house, hung out, watched "The Guardians of the Galaxy" and ate Pizza! That day turned out pretty, pretty good!
Love, Lizzy!
Kommentar schreiben
Caro (Sonntag, 15 November 2015 19:55)
Hello Felicitas,
I really enjoyed reading your latest blog entry. Even if your Halloween began, as you said pretty "non-halloween-ish", I think it turned out to be a good Halloween night. It seems like you have a lot of fun with your friends there and it's always nice to see a few photos of you. Wish you all the best, your cousin Carolin