In a pet store. They also hadhamsters, budgies, puppies, lot and lots of fish and cats.
My first High School Football game (not from my school). It was kinda boring but the marching band was awesome.
There, the marching band comes in and the team is warming up/ does a show dance.
The student section on the right is wearing Hawaii clothes because at each game they have a theme. It's crazy! XD
That's Josh, right there. The saxophonist in the middle. :)
Actually, we came to the game to see HIM.
Corn on the cob. Best corn I've ever tasted!!!
Sooo many instruments!!! O.O (This is just a fraction of instruments in this shop.)
That cello was really nice! You were able to try it, hehe! XD
Woohoo! You know me, guys! ;-D
My first real footaball game. That's the stadium in Indy (Indianapolis). It is huge and it has a roof that they will open after halfway of the game.
My very first football game. But it was pre-season. Sooo: it was very boring. The Indy Colts also got beaten up the other team. There is a certain sound called "warning". We left, 2 minutes
before the game actually ended.
The games are packed with advertisement over advertisement, that's pretty exhausting! But a few persons won pretty good prizes! One woman won over 500 bugs!!! O>O
The beautiful sundown at the farm.
Isn't it PRETTY ?
Me, with the corn fields behind me.
It was so nice out there!!!
Us girls were cleaning out the kitchen cabinets and drawers. After that we polished them until they shone. now they look way better! :)
The guys have been working all day long, preparing for hunting season - building stands and platforms to hunt on. Everybody had chores to do, so we went out for dinner.
Heidi and me!
Bill and his youngest, Ben.
The boys were having a lot of fun, as you can tell! ;D
from left to right:
Alex, Josh, Adam, Sam and Ethan, who are brothers and friends of them.
I saw this guy at the "Oktoberfest" in the 'German Park'. He looks so awesome!
She was dressed up well but she seemed very disinterested.
My school pictures arrived!
There was a theme every day of this week. Monday was PJ-Day (Pajama)!
That's MacKanzie Catlin, she is in my
"Madrigals" Jazz Choir :)
I made this one for the homecoming parade for the German Club.
This year's homecoming theme is "Dr. Suess". That's a BIG thing here!
The German teacher, Mrs. Dwyer, keeps saying "wunderbar" (wonderful) that's how I came up with this idea. XD
Look up "Green Eggs & Ham", then you will find out more about the picture and Dr. Suess. :)
Kommentar schreiben
Vati (Donnerstag, 17 September 2015 23:19)
Sehr schöne Bilder, macht riesig Spaß, das alles anzuschauen, danke.
Familie (Samstag, 26 September 2015 23:52)
Liebe Felicitas, die gesamte Verwandtschaft gratuliert Dir heute am
26.09. ganz herzlich zu Deinem 17. Geburtstag und wünschen Dir
von Herzen alles erdenklich Gute für einen schönen Aufenthalt
bei guter Gesundheit und viele schöne Erlebnisse in Deiner
zweiten Heimat. Sei lieb gedrückt und herzlich gegrüßt !!!