Well, due to someones suggestion of writing in English now, there will be no more move to refuse that.
In this article I just want to talk about some things that are new to me or have changed. So let's get started:
First, I got my schedule changed again. Luckily I don't have to take US History any more because it's too hard for me to keep up with 2 difficult classes and biology is more important to me than any social study subject. And because math was so hard for me I had to change that class too. Now I am in an Algebra ll class but it's a lot easier because they review many things first and don't have to know all that stuff from the last year to the beginning of the year. That new math teacher is very nice and considerate towards me.
And instead of taking US History I chose a German beginner class to be there a students assistent. So I will help the students and the teacher in case they have problems or any questions related to German things (pronounciation, culture, etc.). This is pretty exciting for me because I'd really like to see how they learn languages and maybe a support for'em. I even considered to become a German teacher in an American HS at some time. So now I can observe how everything goes and what I might improve some day.
And since Nutrition & Wellness is actually not my level I had a tiny audition for a choir. She said that she would take me but the only thing is that I probably signed up too late. The other students have already ordered their costumes for fall so we all don't think that this will happen until next semester.
On this Saturday, we looking around for some places where we can get some ideas what I could do in as creative things like wood burning craft or kiln creations. These are so great ideas make a present for someone. But unfortunately it's so expensive. But I will figure that out, I think.
What also is new for me are the Garage sales. Judy and I, we drove around the yesterday and went to a few of them. These things are awesome! I got 2 Rings (2$), two pic frames and 2 Jackets for only 4.70 $! And everything is in a good condition. I wish we had somethin' like that back home, haha.
The next surprising thing is that they have ALDI here. It ist actually ALDI SUED but hey, that's still amazing. The only thing that's completly different is that they have everything in big containers and have slightly different names for certain products. But they mostly sell American stuff (of course).
Today morning I went to the church with Judy. It was really different but kinda nice. The big building contains, I think, 4 kinds of churches (chapels, actual chruch hall) and a big office wing.
Before you go to the actual church hall, yuo can help yourself and take a coffee and donuts (that look kinda like "Windbeutel"). You can take that into the hall if you want to. During the
service, which takes just felt half an hour, there are not as many songs with organ pipe-companion. Instead they have live piano pieces and vocal singers like a men quartet.
The prayer's assistent (who acutally preached) was really young but the things about fogiveness he told were deep.
After the service (without th "body of Christ") we decided to go out eating with a few friends of hers. we had a nice brunch together. :)
In the afternoon, my local coordinatior came and we visited the family I will stay with while Judy is on vacations during the year. Thy are really nice but first I was a little worried about my
Well that was it for now. ^^ I hope you are in the picture of me and my life here
Bye for now, Felicitas
P.S.: Pictures will follow, so stay updeted :D
Kommentar schreiben
Lukas (Dienstag, 01 September 2015 03:15)
Hört sich ja ganz gut an...
Karin Botermann (Dienstag, 01 September 2015 14:00)
Liebe Feli,
erst heute komme ich dazu dir zu schreiben.
Es freut mich sehr, dass du dich so schnell in deiner neuen Umgebung eingelebt hast und dass es dir dort gut geht. Offensichtlich hast du ja schon Einiges gesehen und erlebt.Ich werde deine Berichte weiterhin mit Interesse lesen und verfolgen, wie es dir dort so ergeht!
Meine Ferien gehen nun dem Ende zu, aber die nächsten sind schon geplant, denn ich werde in den Herbstferien auch wieder in die USA zu unserem Sohn reisen.
Liebe Grüße,
Karin BOT
Sven (Freitag, 04 September 2015 01:51)
Melde uns aus dem Urlaub zurück. Braungebrannt und tiefenentspannt.
Ich könnte jetzt ein paar "Sven-Fragen" stellen (im Gegensatz zu der "Mutti-Frage").
Aber da werde ich dann vermutlich ganz schnell zensiert! ;-))
Schön zu lesen, dass es dir dort gut gefällt. Mir fehlt das Update bezüglich
des Handys! Wech? Oder nur schusselig verlegt?
Bis zum nächsten Mal! Bleib gesund!